The Giver: a film for card-carrying polychromes

My card as of today:

4phasecard dark blue 04 10 15

Last night we watched The Giver (see the trailer here:, about a society which had traded colour and true feelings for safety and sameness – and a boy and his mentor (the Giver) who gave them it all back. It’s the kind of movie that can give you an altered state and change your perceptions of the world, and therefore your conceptions. I thought, the world is a different place to the one who sees the colours of the creative process, which is going on all around us but our fear and negativity and resignation blind us to it and we think everything is the same, nothing can really change or be improved, nothing is so great that it justifies the suffering of life…

As Zarathustra says to the prophet of the great weariness, ‘There ARE still Blessed Isles!’ I look forward to helping myself and others to go there – and stay!

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