4phase – a new way to meet and co-create

I THINK I have a great new way to simply apply the living logic of process (which has been a major obsession for the twenty-odd (very odd, some would say!) years since I was writing my MA thesis ‘Process and Inquiry’ at Auckland University): live, 3D meetings! Shock, amazement, cries of ‘You, Peter? – no way!’

Yes way! (Well, small and intimate meetings, for a start…)

Here’s the first card I did the day after a certain fateful meeting (I always start a new movement with a logo, a name and a card, it’s just me):

4phasecard cream

It was at our ‘Blocked Artists’ group. We were looking at goals for the group – all three of us…:)  I tried to describe an ideal format for our meetings. It just came out, the four phase meeting format for a balanced peaceful creative time for everyone, whether they want nurturing and support or brainstorming or critique and comments or action and activism… The other two artists urged me to start another group for this and open it to anyone who is interested. So – I am! And I hope I can tap into all the positive psychology and mindfulness and other psychology Raewyn has been doing, for a wonderful balanced experience to be had by all who come to the table…  And the art – this is art to me – the sacred forms and colours of life in process, the words of beauty…

So what is 4phase going to be exactly? Well, a kind of round table group or workshop with a (literal) round table in four colours, and a clock in four colours, so we go through the four phases in turn in whatever we are talking about (the topic for the week, perhaps. Possible ones are Finding your life purpose; getting on with difficult spouse/co-worker/child; monetising your passion; overcoming fears shyness, etc….). Hopefully it will be an amazingly safe and inclusive yet creative and challenging environment for co-creation, problem-solving, and fellowship.

What ARE the four phases? Ah, well that is the four million dollar question! ‘It’s all in my head’… (to quote Yahoo Serious in the Young Einstein). But seriously – of course I am going to try to answer that question simply in this website, though it is best answered by experiencing the four phases in action. The poetic short answer is the 4 phases are:

‘Love, Beauty, Truth and Freedom.’

A more nerdy one is

‘Input, Novelty, Reaction, and Output.’ 

So, if you have read this far, please do click on ‘follow this blog’ in the sidebar, and you will get email notifications, with the first few words, whenever I publish a new post (not that often I promise!). And if you happen to live in Gisborne, NZ, then consider coming to our place and trying our the 4phase round table with me. It’s free. You will be being a guineapig in the early days of this, but I guarantee it will be helpful, maybe even life-changing! And you will get the opportunity to be an early adopter in a genuinely ‘new new thing’!

For those of you who aren’t lucky 🙂 enough to live in Gisborne, I hope to offer some cool materials and free web resources soon. There are already some on http://www.qor.co.nz – a free game to print out and try, etc. And if you want the hardware – 4phase round table, 4phase blackboard, 4phase clock, and diary and worksheet to come.. email me. Later there may be a proper ‘store’ but this is NZ, and the ‘personal touch’, so-called, is OK by me and hopefully you too!

Watch this space… oh and if you have any comments, thoughts, reactions, offers, comment in FB or here or email me, or even visit in 3D!

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